They literally go nowhere with this outside of, maybe, one scene where Rock, being made fun of as an adult by one of the former school bullies, looks at himself in the mirror and he says himself like the same fat kid from school. There's some slightly intriguing body image issues, what with Rock's character being made fun of because of his weight in high school. Maybe that's exaggerating a bit, but that's what it felt like at some points. I find Kevin Hart to be really likable and he's a talented comedic actor, but he doesn't need to be screaming in my ear every five minutes. I'm not saying that it can't be funny, but constantly relying on it as a crutch sort of kills the joke. I will say that one of the film's other weaknesses is the fact that they rely on Kevin Hart's screaming voice way too much. I mean they certainly try, but it's really just there to set up Kevin and The Rock for their next gag. If nothing else, Kevin and the Rock did a great job carrying this movie, because there's no way I should have enjoyed this as much as I actually did when you take into consideration that there's no real narrative to speak of. There were definitely some funny lines, for sure, but the enjoyment I got from the film was pretty much all Rock and Kevin. But, as I mentioned, it's not like they had a great script to work with. They clearly had a blast working with each other and that adds more than you think, particularly in this type of film. It goes without saying, though, that The Rock and Kevin Hart do have great chemistry together. This is something that's more light, silly fun.
And, as if it wasn't obvious, this movie isn't The Nice Guys in terms of quality or chemistry between its leads.

Like Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe had phenomenal chemistry in the Nice Guys, but they also had a pretty fantastic script and dialogue to go along with that. But it is one of those movies, much like Ride Along, that depends solely on the chemistry between its two leads and not necessarily a great script that was written around them. With that said, while I only gave this 3 stars, I found this movie to be a whole lot of fun to watch. And I'm not saying that if we ever do get a Central Intelligence sequel, that it'll be a bad movie, but I think we should go in with tempered expectations, because it could very well be a repeat of the first film with only very minor changes. It doesn't usually work from a creative standpoint, Ride Along 2 was a just a bad film. They something that makes them a lot of money, compared to its budget at least, and they want to replicate that. That's just the way things are in Hollywood.

The game runs against a real-time clock as you have a time limit to depose the dictator, but you can select the speed at which the game counts the hours and days, as well as the overall difficulty of the game, by selecting among a set of options that regulate the population's overall loyalty towards El Dictador.First things first, much like Ride Along, this film's surprise success will definitely get us a sequel. The main interface consists of a top-down satelite image of the island from where you can zoom in on any building, and from where you dispatch your agents and access the relevant information on each and every building on the island (provided you spy them). But the object of the game is not to organize a military uprising, but instead to support and organize the island's many opposing factions (like angry students, guerrillas, political parties,etc.) against the dictatorship (with or without their knowledge of your interventions) via propaganda, bribes, subterfuge, assassinations, blackmails, etc.
You have at your disposal a series of CIA agents divided in three branches: Political, Propaganda and Military.

This dictatorship is supported by the Chinese government and it seriously jeopardizes the U.S.A.'s interests on the region, thus it is your mission to organize the recuperation of democracy, by any means necessary. You play a CIA chief sent to the island of Sao Madrigal, which is currently under a dictatorship. A strategic game of espionage and undercover operations with a lot of political undertones.